Most men dream of a man cave, a sanctuary at home to enjoy the football, work on a new pet project or just some quiet solitude away from noisy kids.

June is Men's Mental Health Month, a crucial reminder to prioritise wellbeing and create spaces that nurture relaxation and rejuvenation. For many men, a personal sanctuary – a man cave – can be that refuge. But how do you design a man cave that not only reflects your interests but also fosters mental wellbeing?

Interior design expert Ryan McDonough at has created this guide with everything you need to know about creating the perfect man cave at home. Read the guide below and find out how building your own man cave can improve your mental health and your overall wellbeing and can even improve your relationships.

How Is a Man Cave Helpful For Mental Health?

In today's world, men are bombarded with messages about masculinity that often prioritise strength and stoicism over emotional wellbeing. This can create a pressure to bottle up emotions, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. 

A man cave can serve as a powerful antidote to these pressures. It can be a refuge, a space free from judgment where men can unwind, de-stress, and simply be themselves. Whether it's indulging in a favourite hobby like gaming or reading, listening to music, or simply enjoying some quiet time in solitude, a man cave allows men to prioritise their mental wellbeing in a way that feels comfortable and authentic. This can lead to a significant reduction in stress levels, an improvement in mood, and a better ability to manage difficult emotions. 

Furthermore, a man cave can foster a sense of ownership and control, which can be especially beneficial for men who might feel overwhelmed by external pressures. Ultimately, in a world that often tells men to keep things bottled up, a man cave can be a safe space for relaxation, self-expression, and emotional release – all crucial components of good mental health.

How to Create The Perfect Man Cave

If you're interested in creating your own man cave and taking control of your mental wellbeing, take a look at the tips below.

Craft Your Own Calming Canvas

You want to begin by thinking about the lighting in the space. Harsh lighting can be draining. Opt for natural light during the day, allowing sunshine to stream in when possible. Install dimmer switches for overhead lights and choose softer lamps with warm tones for evenings. String lights or fairy lights can add a touch of whimsy and create a more relaxing atmosphere. This is especially ideal for movie nights or unwinding after work.

Studies show that incorporating nature in the home reduces stress. Consider bringing the outdoors in with potted plants, a vertical garden on a spare wall, or even a calming water feature like a small tabletop fountain. Choose low-maintenance varieties like succulents if you have a busy lifestyle, or opt for air-purifying plants like snake plants or peace lilies for added health benefits.

Aromatherapy can also be a powerful tool for relaxation. Invest in a diffuser and experiment with calming essential oils. Explore options like lavender, known for its stress-reducing properties, sandalwood, which promotes feelings of peace, or chamomile, perfect for unwinding before bed. Consider diffusers with timer functions or light features to create a truly immersive experience.

Tailor The Space To Your Passions

While some elements may be universal, personalise your man cave to truly reflect your interests and hobbies.

For example, if you’re into gaming, you can create the perfect gaming experience with a comfortable ergonomic chair with proper back support for gaming marathon sessions. Invest in a high-quality monitor with a high refresh rate for smooth visuals and a top-notch sound system that will immerse you in the game. Consider adding a headset with noise-cancelling features to block out distractions and a dedicated controller charging station to ensure your gear is always ready.

If you’re an avid reader, consider filling a cosy corner with a plush armchair that invites you to curl up with a good book. Ample shelving for your favourite reads is a must, and consider adding a custom bookshelf design if the space allows. Include a small reading lamp for those late-night reading adventures and a side table for your coffee or tea, and maybe even a cosy throw blanket for extra comfort.

If you’re a music fan, you may want to soundproof a section of your man cave, especially if you play drums or other loud instruments. This will not only preserve your sanity but it will also allow you to crank up the volume with quality speakers without disturbing anyone. This is especially important if the room is attached to a neighbouring property. Consider adding a mini-fridge to keep drinks handy during jam sessions with friends or solo practice sessions. Include instrument stands or holders to keep your equipment organised and readily accessible.

Don’t Forget About Functionality

Functionality is key to creating a truly relaxing space. Invest in a comfortable couch or armchair where you can truly unwind after a long day. Explore features like massage functions or recliners for ultimate relaxation. Ottomans or coffee tables complete the setup and provide a place to rest your feet or set down your drink. Consider incorporating a small side table with drawers for storage of remotes, controllers, or reading materials.

A mini-fridge keeps drinks cool and readily available, reducing those trips to the main kitchen, especially if your man cave is located in a less convenient area. You can also add a small water cooler for a touch of convenience and to encourage staying hydrated.

Ensure there are enough outlets and charging stations for all your devices, whether it's your gaming console, phone, music player, or reading tablet. Explore smart plugs to control lighting or electronics remotely for added convenience.

Creating Your Mental Health Sanctuary

Your man cave shouldn't just be a place to indulge in your hobbies. It can also be a space that actively supports your mental wellbeing. Below, you’ll find some tips on how to ensure the space is good for your mental health.

Blue light emitted from electronics can disrupt your sleeping patterns. Include dimmers on your overhead lights or use lamps specifically designed for evenings that emit a warmer light. Schedule screen-free time before bed to give your body chance to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Dedicating a corner for meditation or mindfulness practices can make a big difference. Add a yoga mat, meditation cushions, or a comfortable chair for quiet reflection. Decorate the space with calming visuals like nature photographs, inspirational quotes, or even a mandala wall hanging.

While your man cave can be a place for solitude, it can also be a space to connect with friends and family. Consider using your man cave for video calls with friends or hosting small gatherings for board games or movie nights. Social connection is vital for mental wellbeing, and spending some quality time with your loved ones can be a great way to de-stress and recharge.

Final Thoughts

Your man cave should be a reflection of you and your needs. By incorporating these elements, you can create a space that not only sparks joy but also supports your mental wellbeing throughout the year. Men's Mental Health Month serves as a great reminder to prioritise your wellbeing, and your man cave can be a powerful tool in that journey.