Knowing when to put on and when to turn on your heating can be a costly decision to make - but should you turn it off when you go out to work?

Households up and down the country are battling the wintry cold temperatures by giving in and turning on the heating. 

However, with high energy bills and the continued strain caused by the cost of living, many Brits are on the lookout for creative ways to keep their costs down.

To help you decide when you should and shouldn't have the heating on, Llewellyn Kinch, the CEO and co-founder of MakeMyHouseGreen, has discussed the pros and cons of switching off your heating at home while you’re away at work. 

Should I leave my heating on all day or turn it off when I go to work?

If You Want To Save Money

"Of course, how much energy you use directly affects how high (or low) your utility bill will be," the co founder of MakeMyHouseGreen points out.

The expert added: "By lowering (but not turning off) the thermostat when the house is empty, you can reduce energy consumption, which translates directly into cost savings on your utility bills". 

If You're Not Worried About The Temperature

Llewellyn Kinch said:" Completely turning off your heating can lead to a significant drop in your home's temperature.

The CEO went on to say: "While this of course saves money on energy bills, it might not be ideal for most people, especially in regions with freezing temperatures, as a cold house can be uncomfortable to return to.

"It may also cause bigger issues like frozen pipes, which can result in water damage". 

If You Can Manage Your Thermostat

The advent of smart thermostats has offered a middle ground between leaving the heating on or off when you go out, as you can program specific times for the thermostat to heat your home.

These devices can lower the temperature when you're out and begin warming the house shortly before you return. Smart thermostats can also heat only the rooms you need at the times you need them. So, even if working at home, you could just heat your home office.

This approach comes highly recommended as it maintains a balance between saving energy and ensuring a comfortable home environment.

But Be Aware Of Home Maintenance

Temperature fluctuations occur when the heating is constantly turned on and off. These fluctuations can strain your heating system, which may lead to increased wear and tear over time.

This could shorten the lifespan of your heating system, or lead to increased maintenance issues.

Recommended reading

Another thing worth mentioning are heat pumps, which don’t generate the same high heat as a gas boiler.

Therefore, as it takes a while to heat the home, they tend to be on more continuously. 

Llewellyn commented: “It’s important to consider your specific circumstances, such as the efficiency of your heating system, the insulation quality of your home, and your personal comfort preferences”. If you strike the right balance, you can have a cosy home and more manageable energy bills in 2024.