Honiton Running Club members braved the challenging terrain of the Umborne Ug.

The challenging and hilly 10k run took place on a sunny and hot Saturday, June 22.

The runners, which took the short journey to Umborne, found the weather great for spectators and marshals, but less favourable for themselves.

Nick Couch took the lead for the club, finishing 17th in 52.30 for his first-ever attempt at the race.

Jake Heath and Craig Purchase closely followed, finishing in 23rd and 25th place respectively.

However, it was Judy Davey, who notably passed her husband Steve early in the race, who captured attention, coming in third for women and earning a hand-painted pottery mug.

Despite an impressive start, Steve Davey was only able to overtake Judy in the final stretch, finishing 37th.

It was a tough race, but I thoroughly enjoyed it fellow club members reflected.

Other notable finishes included Jo Purchase who won a pottery mug for her age category, and Janice and Mark Newson who ran together to finish 76th.

The race was ultimately won by Oliver Perratt in 38.04 with 90 runners completing the race.

At the end of the heated race, the runners were able to cool down and refuel thanks to a generous assortment of refreshments, including a barbecue, bar and cake stall.

The club expressed its gratitude to the organisers, marshals, and local landowners for staging a fantastic event.