Decorating your house with plants can make it feel more homely but there are some you should avoid buying if you have a cat or dog.

Not all plants are safe to be placed in our homes so it’s worth doing some research before you make any purchases.

Gardening expert on poisonous and harmful plants at Stannah, Mark Lane, has warned that some plants can cause abnormal heart rhythm, vomiting, intense burning and even death.

27 poisonous plants you shouldn’t have in your home

If you have a pet cat or dog, Mark, who is also a BBC Gardeners' World presenter, says there are 27 plants to be aware of as they can cause harm to our four-legged friends.

Midweek Herald: Daffodils are poisonous for catsDaffodils are poisonous for cats (Image: Getty Images)

Mark from Stannah says the following plants are poisonous and harmful to cats and dogs:

Sago Palm contains cycasin and can cause liver damage.

Alocasia contains insoluble calcium oxalate which causes drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

Aloe contains saponins and only when ingested causes diarrhoea, lack of appetite and vomiting.

Arrowhead plant contains insoluble calcium oxalates and causes lack of appetite, chills and vomiting.

Calla lily contains insoluble calcium oxalates and unidentified toxic alkaloids which causes oral pain, drooling and lack of appetite.

Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise) contains hydrogen cyanide which causes mild nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and difficulty breathing.

Midweek Herald: Aloe is a plant to avoid in your home if you have petsAloe is a plant to avoid in your home if you have pets (Image: Getty Images)

ZZ plant contains insoluble calcium oxalates and causes intense burning, irritation to mouth and lips, tongue and excessive drooling.

Dieffenbachia contains insoluble calcium oxalates and proteolytic enzymes which cause intense burning, excessive drooling and difficulty swallowing.

Kafir lily contains Licorine and other alkaloids which causes convulsions and cardiac arrhythmia.

Dracaena fragrans which contains saponins causes vomiting, depression and drooling.

Cyclamen contains saponins and causes vomiting, depression and drooling.

Desert Rose (Adenium) contains digoxin and causes irregular heartbeat and death.

Golden Pothos contains insoluble calcium oxalates and causes drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

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Kalanchoe contains bufadienolides and causes vomiting and an abnormal heart rhythm.

Eucalyptus contains eucalyptus oil and causes salivation, diarrhoea and weakness.

Gloriosa (Flame Lily) contains colchicine-related alkaloids and causes salivation, kidney failure, bone marrow suppression, paralysis and death.

Ficus Banjamina contains proteolytic enzyme (ficin) and psoralen (ficusin) and causes inflammation of the skin plus irritation of the mouth.

Anthurium contains insoluble calcium oxalates and causes drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

Which plants are particularly harmful and poisonous for cats?

There are many plants that are particularly poisonous to cats, such as poinsettias, amaryllis, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, crocuses and foxgloves.

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There are two that are particularly harmful and these are lily flowers and Chrysanthemums.

All parts of lilt flowers including the stamen, pollen, flower and bulb and water in the vase are extremely poisonous to cats. They contain cardia glycoside and calcium oxalates which causes vomiting, weakness, high or low heart rhythms, increased urination and gastrointestinal problems.

If your cat eats Chrysanthemum flowers, they are poisonous as they contain pyrethrins which cause vomiting, diarrhoea and lack of appetite.