Gas Safety Week, an awareness week reminding the public of the importance of maintaining gas appliances, has got the backing of property services company Liberty.

The week will run from September 9 to September 15.

Liberty will work with East Devon District Council to raise awareness in Honiton about the issue, with a presentation to residents, and a Q&A, to take place at the council’s gas safety fair on Friday, September 13 from 10am to 12pm, at Dunning Court in Honiton.

Poorly maintained gas appliances can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions, and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Liberty has shared some tips for gas safety ahead of the awareness week.

Potential signs of malfunction in gas appliances include lazy yellow or orange flames instead of crisp blue ones; black marks on or around the appliance; a pilot light that keeps going out; and too much condensation in the room.

Blocking vents is bad news - they are there to ensure gas appliances work safely.

Instead of trying to fix a gas appliance themselves, dwellers should contact a Gas Safe registered engineer - which can be done at or by calling 0800 408 5500.

Headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, collapse, and loss of consciousness are among the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning worth keeping in mind.

An audible carbon monoxide alarm is a good idea.

Safety checks should take place once a year, arrangeable either by the resident or by reminding the landlord.

Karen Sloan, managing director for heating and compliance at Liberty, said: "We take pride in our work to ensure people’s gas appliances are operating safely and efficiently in around a quarter of a million homes across the country.

"Nothing is more important than staying safe in your home - that’s why we are supporting Gas Safety Week."

Councillor Dan Ledger, East Devon District Council’s portfolio holder for sustainable homes and communities, said: "Residents’ safety is one of our top priorities, which is why we’re pleased to support Gas Safety Week and partner with Liberty to raise awareness of the importance of regularly checking and maintaining gas appliances.

"I’d like to encourage as many residents as possible to attend our event in Honiton and use this opportunity to stay informed and stay safe."

Jonathan Samuel, chief executive officer for Gas Safe Register, said: "This is the fourteenth Gas Safety Week and the theme for 2024 is Checking — Every Check Counts.

"The week will encourage checking, in many guises, and shine a light on the importance of gas safety in keeping ourselves and our community safe.

"Throughout Gas Safety Week, our partners, stakeholders, and Gas Safe Register will share information to help everyone be gas safe, so I am very pleased to have the support of Liberty to help share those messages, such as checking the Gas Safe Register to ensure your engineer is registered and qualified."

More information about Liberty is available at