The Liberal Democrat MP for Honiton and Sidmouth has responded to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s announcement of 'government cutbacks' on Monday (July 29).

The pre-budget speech included changing the eligibility for the Winter Fuel Payment – to mitigate a £22billion 'financial blackhole.'

Richard Foord said:  “The changes announced today by the Chancellor make for pretty grim reading and rightly have left many people concerned about the future.  

“Restricting the Winter Fuel Payment will have a big impact on pensioners across Devon, especially given we know that many people already miss out on Pension Credit.  

“However, I am heartened to hear a clear commitment that projects which have already had funding committed, such as the re-opening of Cullompton railway station, will still go ahead.  

“The re-opening is vital to improving local connectivity and helping ease congestion in, and around, the town – especially as it looks to expand in the coming years.  

“The economic mismanagement of the Conservatives continues to have a lasting impact and we face straitened times, with the threat of more cutbacks in October’s budget.”