The Chantry Buoys are set to sing out sea shanties for Seaton Hospice at Home.

The fun-filled night kicks off on July 20 at 7.30pm at Colyford Memorial Hall, which is a stone’s throw from the group's base Colyton.

The venue has parking and there will be also a licensed bar.

The event, hosted by the lively shanty group renowned for their audience interaction, promises to be a not-to-be-missed occasion.

The fundraiser is a free event, though donations to the hospice will be gratefully received.

All donations will directly support The Seaton Hospice at Home palliative nursing service, which serves adults in Beer, Colyton, Seaton, and nearby villages.

The service supports any adult registered with a Beer, Colyton, or Seaton GP diagnosed as palliative, regardless of their diagnosis' complexity.

Their carers and families are also supported by the service.

Specialist nurses are available 24/7, all year round to meet palliative care needs.

Seaton Hospice at Home's invaluable work is funded by Seaton & District Hospital League of Friends, solely through community donations.

For more details on the Seaton & District League of Friends and the invaluable services they fund, you can visit their website or call 01297 20143.

Some members of the Chantry Buoys have particularly embraced their sea theme this year, sporting new mullet hairstyles.

Though you won't hear rock'n'roll at their gig, you can expect them to sing in The Quay of Sea.