Feniton gears up to commemorate the 475th anniversary of the consequential Battle of Fenny Bridges.

The event taking place on July 27, funded by the Feniton Parish Council and the Battlefields Trust, will be full of historical talks, weapons displays and a TV docu-drama, reminding people about an overlooked part of British history.

Professor Mark Stoyle, a Westcountry history expert from Southampton University, will deliver an intriguing talk, A Murderous Midsummer at the church hall.

Not only does it offer a fresh perspective on the major event, but the genocide of Devonshire and the Cornish men that followed is a horrifying chapter that has until now been dismissed from history.

The event programme (Image: Jenny Wilson)

To enhance the historical atmosphere, Dr Edward Fox will supplement his talk with a display of period-specific weapons in the hall. 

The TV docu-drama on the Battle of Fenny Bridges will add a sense of realism to the event.

Personalities such as Dave Retter, the Honiton town cryer, Neil Parish, the former Honiton MP and Andrew Moulding, chair of the EDDC, have lent their time and talent to the docu-drama that will be showcased.

Richard Foord MP will also participate in unveiling the new information board about the battle, which will be displayed on the car park wall, courtesy of the Battlefield Trusts.

The community funding for the event was split evenly with Feniton Parish Council covering half of the near-£800 cost, and the Battlefields Trust taking care of the remainder.

Event attendees can enjoy an array of refreshments served throughout the day from 10am to 4pm.

Starting with coffee and cake in the church at 10am, further refreshments will also be on offer at lunchtime.

A crucial aspect of the event is The Battle of Fenny Bridges - Prelude and Aftermath, a detailed account of the Prayer Book Rebellion available in bookshops, primarily at Curious Otter bookshop in Ottery.

The Battle of Fenny Bridges - Prelude and AftermathThe Battle of Fenny Bridges - Prelude and Aftermath (Image: Jenny Wilson)

The book, which was written by Jennifer Wilson, offers a deeper dive into the Battle of Fenny Bridges, featuring Dave Retter on the cover playing Rev Harper, 1549, priest of Sampford Courtney where the rebellion began.

Profits from the day will be dedicated to the Feniton Church Tower's repair fund.

Representatives from the Battlefields Trust, as well as the President of the Old Cornish Societies and possibly the Cornish Grand Bard, are also expected to attend.