Axminster Guildhall has issued a plea to residents to 'book a show' after a string of cancellations and low ticket sales.

Organisers of the venue said they are aware that it may be hard and people may 'be cautious' returning to a show after the covid pandemic and they 'want to apologise' for the string of cancellations recently as a venue. Some of these were down to illness and other commitments but some were down to low sales.

"if you see a show you would like to watch please feel confident to book it. Your booking may just be enough to help the act attend and, if the show is cancelled, all bookings get their money back anyway.

"We know this can be disapointing and frustrating but we would like to explain. We all know times are tricky and everyone's overheads are high and this is the same for acts too. The acts we book WANT to play but, they have to account for many factors such as paying their crew, paying their staff, travel costs, Music Licence - the list goes on - and that is before they can even pay themselves.

"We update acts all the time with current sales, if they feel the sales will not allow them to do all the above they have to, regrettably, cancel or alter their booking.

"The sad thing is everytime an act does this, within hours many people contact us trying to buy tickets - most of the time, these numbers would have been enough to ensure the act could come.

"At the end of the day, times are tricky for all of us and we love your support - just please stick with us."

See the full programme of shows coming up at the Axminster Guildhall website and to book tickets.