It's been a busy month for Ye Rattenbury Lodge No 6721 R.A.O.B. based in Beer.

On the 13th Bro John Partridge ROH was presented with his 60 Year Emblem and Jewel by Provincial Grand Primo Bro Rick Bennett KOM assisted by officers of Provincial Grand Lodge.

Having joined the order on 1st Feb 1964 initiated in Ye Hembury Lodge No 1598 he held the office of Provincial Grand Primo in 1992 and ROH President in 2012.

Bro Arthur Hughes KOM Grand Chamberlain attending the ceremony passed on the Grand Primo Bro John Brogan’s ROH congratulations.

On May 20 the lodge presented a cheque for £2500 to Debbie Allen of the Royal Devon Hospitals Charity.

The money will go toward the internal decor and fitting of a separate A&E facility for the exclusive use of children up to the age of 18 at RD&E.