Axminster Cherry Fayre by Royal Charter is proud to deliver, collaborate and share in the camaraderie Axminster amenities offer with its destination event.

Axminsters' eight-day Cherry Fayre is once again brimming with events between June 20 and 28 with many events taking place during this year’s Fayre, consistent contributors including Pippins Community Centre, waffle House, Axe Show and Church Bell Ringers to name a few.

Celebrations begin with the raising of the glove at the minster Church on Thursday June 20 followed by a program of events throughout the eight-day Fayre culminating in Axminster's big dinner this year hosted by Eats Boutique on the Minster Green on Friday June 28 with food stalls, live entertainment, Punch and Judy, Belly Dancing workshop as well as the Children’s Fayre.

There is also a unique craft competition running where Cherry Fayre organisers wish for you to create a flower box using wool materials these will be displayed at the Axe Vale show across their fun fill weekend, more details can be found on the Cherry Fayre Facebook page.

This year the Light Up Axminster are focussing their efforts to raise £2000 to cover the cost of the over street light in the centre of town and fund the maintenance and replacement of the street light for Christmas 2024.

Each programme includes an envelope for anyone wishing to make a donation that can be dropped off at Pippins Community Centre or via JustGiving. Request a digital copy via or copies of the programme can be found in the Guildhall on their leaflet wall.

A spokesman for the Cherry Fayre said: "Our thanks must be extended to all the volunteers who spend much of their valuable time organizing, supporting and delivering all that makes the Cherry Fayre.

"The Cherry Fayre celebrates the achievements of all that is Axminster and wishes memorable experiences for all."