AXMINSTER Guildhall is participating in a hustings event with the candidates for Honiton and Sidmouth constituency.

Taking place on Tuesday June 25 at Axminster Guildhall. Doors open at 5pm for submission of questions. The hustings will take place between 6pm and 7.30pm.

Confirmed candidates are Simon Jupp, Conservative and Unionist Partym Richard Foord, Liberal Democrats and Henry Gent, Green Party. 

Candidates invited but have not confirmed they are attending are  Jake Bonetta, Labour Party, Paul Quickenden, Reform Party, Vanessa Coxon, Independent and Hazel Exon, Independent.  

This event is being organised by The Community Waffle House with Axminster Town Council providing the venue.

Candidates will be questioned by the director of Waffle House, Matt Smith.

There will be a box to submit your questions on the night (5-5.30pm), or send them in advance to by Monday June 24.

Matt Smith said: "We cannot promise your specific question will be asked but we will put as many questions as possible to the candidates in attendance subject to time limitations. 

"We look forward to seeing you there. "