A banner of remembrance has been added to the growing number of displays seen around Axminster town centre.

Town Mayor Cllr Jill Farrow sent the new banner on its way for display above the Axminster Banking Hub in time for the D-Day commemorations.

Designed by Sarah Jackson with advice from Axminster Royal British Legion, it shows a soldier deep in thought beside the grave of a fallen comrade.

Cllr Farrow expressed the gratitude of the community to the banners volunteers for the efforts made over the past three years, during which period the number on display has steadily climbed from 16 in 2022 to 26 last year and now set to rise beyond 30. The group estimates that each banner takes around 60 hours of cutting and stitching, design, painting and finally fitting above local shops and businesses.

The idea was transported with valuable advice from Colyton where banners depict coats of arms from local families. In Axminster, each banner tells a story about the town - past and present. With the supporting website www.axminsterbanners.co.uk you can track the stories of the carpets, brushes and feathers industries, understand what’s special about the local countryside, or better appreciate wildlife, farming and railways. 

Barrie Hedges, chair of Axminster Chamber of Commerce said: "As the instigator of the project, Axminster Chamber of Commerce sees the banners as a valuable initiative in attracting visitors to the town as well as building pride within the community. It is now planning a trail guide ahead of the school summer holidays so that people of any age can track the banners."

The banners will stay on display until the autumn when they will be taken down for cleaning and refreshment.