Branscombe CE Primary School held its annual May Day celebration at Branoc Hall after bad weather forced the event to be held indoors.

The young pupils, adorned in traditional May Day outfits, began the ceremony by performing traditional dances including the Three in Hand, The Chrysanthemum, Spiders Web, and Barber’s Pole.

The performances were punctuated by music, thanks to bagpipes player Fergus Holmes and guitarist Sue King.

This year’s coveted titles of May King and Queen were bestowed upon Sam and Lily, in a warmly received announcement made by Father Steven Martin.

Midweek Herald: The children danced into the hall, dressed in traditional May Day costumes, to the tunes of a bagpipe playerThe children danced into the hall, dressed in traditional May Day costumes, to the tunes of a bagpipe player (Image: Branscombe and Farway C of E Primary Schools)

The parent of the newly-appointed May King, Sam, said: "We were very proud to see Sam crowned as May King this year.

"It’s part of the fantastic village history and he and Lily are the latest in a long line of May Monarchs."

After the children had finished their performances, a cream tea was served by members of the Branscombe CE Primary School Parents, Teachers, and Friends Association (PTFA).

Any parents or caregivers interested in enrolling their children aged at least two years old in the nursery or main school can contact the school office at 01297 680339.

The school confirmed it currently has spaces available.