Colyton & Colyford Memory Café was 'thrilled' to support Dementia Action Week 2024 from 13th-19th May.

This annual event provides an opportunity to raise awareness about dementia, and for Memory Cafés to tell people affected by dementia how the cafes can help.

Diagnosis is the theme of this year's Dementia Action Week, the group went on a Memory Tram experience, organised by Seaton Tramway. 

Colyton & Colyford Memory Café offers practical and emotional support, information, guidance.  For many, a visit to their local memory café is the only regular support they receive following a diagnosis of dementia. The social contact and peer support gained from spending time with others who also have experience of the difficult everyday reality of dementia is invaluable.

Dementia at present affects 944,000 people across the UK. There is, as yet, no cure and many people go undiagnosed, thus getting no support.

For more information about the Memory Café contact